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Shire Horse Society - UK

The Shire Horse Society is the only charity dedicated to the protection, promotion and improvement of the Shire Horse. Since 1878 the Shire Horse Society has been working to protect the breed, that was then known as the Old English Breed of Cart Horse.


Shire Horse Breeders Australia Inc

This site is dedicated to the promotion of the Shire Horse breed in Australia. Visitors will find information on the Shires, where to see them and how to contact their breeders and the Association. New members are most welcome.


Shire Horse Society Australia

The Society promotes and protects this magnificent rare English heavy horse breed within Australia and provides services to members and those interested in owning a Shire.


Equine Vit&Min

We use & 100% recommend the Equine Vit&Min supplement range. These fantastic products keep our horses in top condition all year round. Contact us to find out where to buy these amazing products in New Zealand


Big Sky Leatherworks - USA

At Big Sky Leatherworks, we custom build harnesses for personal use, farming, logging, commercial endeavors and major movies using the best harness leather and hardware that we can find. Since not everyone has the same taste, we offer many different styles and sizes and even custom build your choice of bridles to go with any harness.


Animal Health Solutions Ltd

Animalhealth Solutions Ltd provides The Farmer a non-pharmaceutical option for all aspects of animal health care. Kiwi Shires especially likes the Equine range of Products and can not recommend enough the Equine Suncare product for White Nosed Horses called Suneze.

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